SwordSales EU (swordsales.eu) was our former web site domain name. We changed to Antique Swords .Com (antique-swords.com) in June 2012 simply because the new name is more descriptive and therefore appropriate to our web site, and therefore made our items easier to find on Google and Bing. The ownership / management of this site, etc. is unchanged though; still the same people behind it.
In fact, this web site started life as SwordAuctions EU (swordauctions.eu) in 2006, but changed the name shortly after to swordsales eu when it was clear no auctions would ever be held here!
Be advised, all material and images originally on swordauctions.eu and swordsales.eu are now the intellectual property of antique-swords.com of course. We welcome people linking to our various pages and we generally will allow photos / ext to be used if it is accredited to us; please contact us therefore before using any of the text and / or images from our site, no matter what it was called at the time.