Guaranteed authentic, quality vintage, collectible and antique swords for sale to / in the UK, EU, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and worldwide; most countries do not charge duty / tax! We buy vintage & antique army / navy / air force swords, sabres, etc. as well. buy and sell mostly French, Japanese, Scottish, German & British antique, vintage and even some more recent edged weapons (e.g. swords for serving officers), plus sabres, cutlasses, dirks, broadswords, backswords, rapiers, basket hilts, shamshirs, katanas, mamelukes, shashkas, bayonets, daggers, kris / keris, etc. We pride ourselves in offering the greatest range (over 400 items in stock), the highest quality and the most interesting / historic “Armes Blanches” around. Since 2007, our customers include museums, regiments & antique sword book authors (see: About Us).
If you have an antique or vintage military sword you want to sell, we would like to hear from you. Please note: We do not provide IDs / Valuations but can refer you to people that do.
For the love of and investment in antique swords!
Fact: antique swords appreciate well above bank saving account rates.
The reason we buy swords is because we love to collect! The reason we sell them is because we only have so much display space, and selling swords allows us to experience a greater number and buy more! Actually, antique swords represent one of the best and most evocative investments you can make. Antiques are proven recession busters, plus you get to handle swords, the epitome of honour and bravery; possibly once held and even used in terrible close combat during famous battles such as Waterloo. Antique swords in particular have at least doubled in value over the last 10 years or more, perhaps quadrupled in value over the last 20 years, and are certain to keep on appreciating.
UPS / Fedex / EMS / ParcelForce Shipping
Low delivery / shipping rates. Free shipping on orders above £1000, see Packing & Shipping page.
Typical delivery times;
Next day delivery (ParcelForce)
Three working days (EMS / UPS / DHL)
Four working days (UPS / USPS / DHL)
Five working days (UPS / Parcel Post / DHL)
No PayPal Surcharges & Free Insured Shipping From The UK!
We do not charge extra for PayPal, plus £1000+ items come with free shipping (free shipping can not always be combined with other offers / free shipping up to the value of £50)! Insured shipping is provided with all orders at no extra charge.
Latest Arrivals / Listings:
- Gieves Victorian British Royal Navy Officer's Sword
- WW2 KIA British RN Officer's Sword
- WW1 Scottish HLI Officer's Cross Hilted Broadsword
- 19C Indo-Persian Tulwar Damascus Blade
- 19C English Antler Handle Sword Stick
LOOK: Our Special Offers / Discounts Page.
Prices are in £ GBP but we will often accept Euros and USD; see our Sales Contact page for payment methods and options, including lay-away. We ship our edged weapons from the UK.

Established in 1997, we sell and ship worldwide antique British swords, Napoleonic French sabres & authentic Japanese katanas. We guarantee NONE of the swords for sale here are reproductions; be careful, repros / fakes are too often sold as authentic elsewhere, but not here! See our warnings page.
Collectible, Vintage, and 100+ year old edged weapons
Our areas of primary interest are Napoleonic swords, British infantry swords & cavalry sabres, British naval swords (including dirks and cutlasses), Japanese katanas & wakizashis (Nihonto), Russian shashkas, Ottoman / Persian shamshirs, but we collect, sell & buy many types of authentic edged weapons.